A few months ago, after quite a few Doctors appointments and a negative pregnancy test I thought the stress of starting our own business etc had started to get to me and my immune was down. I was constantly exhausted and sick. It wasn’t until things started to go downhill quickly my Dr did another pregnancy test that was off the charts positive and told me I was miscarrying but according to the scans it was not happening naturally as it should. At 2am the next morning the hospital gynaecologist explained they believed there was more to it than that.
So after another crap load of tests and scans to ensure the Drs knew exactly what was going on, I was scheduled for surgery. The surgery itself has quite a few risks involved so a specialist was called in and I was only able to be operated on in the morning to ensure I could be monitored afterwards. Now this was also at the beginning of COVID, so hospital operating theatres were running on absolute minimum but after a few false starts (i.e. bloody hungry days) I was in. The surgery went really well, better than they could have expected even, but I was not done yet. Now my HCG had to get down to under 5! And stay there!
My first blood test my levels had dropped to 4,500. The QTC nurse then explained this was a great drop and a good sign but I wasn’t out of the woods yet. They expect my levels to drop by 10% each week. When my next test was 636 then 115 we all felt like we could start to breathe again. I was still recovering from the surgery and those good ole crying hormones… seriously… but for the first time ever, I took a proper, much needed break. I stepped back from the world, and it was the perfect time to do so. As the world was shutting down, me as someone who often does not stop, actually rested, and watched crappy TV. I’m talking reality love shows crappy TV… and Tiger King. Six weeks ago I finally hit under 5, and stayed under that! Now I will have monthly blood tests for 6 months, if they all keep under 5, I am free and clear, with only a 1% chance of experiencing this again. Woooo!!
So we’re officially back!! We will be contacting clients again in the next week to get back on track as COVID (hopefully) continues to ease. We have some exciting (and quite possibly embarrassing) stuff coming up so please stay tuned!